Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cloud 10's Think Tank |SOUND OFF|: The Black Woman: Her Attitude

So if you have me as a friend on Facebook you've probably seen my status about the negative perceptions many outsiders and individuals from our own race have as it relates to the attitudes of black women.  Time and time again I sit with my non-black friends and I hear them say "Oh, I think some black girls are hot but I can't deal with all that attitude and sass." What does that mean though?  I fail to understand how you can allow women of other races to slide with their bitchy, atrocious attitudes but when a black women is outspoken or dare I say a bitch she is automatically undesirable.  I find it so ironic that I can sit down and list countless women of every race that I have met here in Canada with the ugliest attitudes but those women are never labelled as a whole.  They are derided as individuals and all the other women in their respective groups are viewed with an individual lense.  It seems to me that only black women as a whole bear the burden of this negative stigma that can be attributed to a select few.

On my Facebook status I stated that "Its amazing how so many people are quick to label ALL black women of having 'too much attitude'. Have you ever thought that SOME black women may have a tough attitude because they have endured decades of silence and oppression? Please re-evaluate your existence before spewing ignorance and prejudice!

Click 'Read More' to See the rest of my argument!

I stand strong by my previous statement because I feel like history has had a role in shaping the lives of many black women who not only have to contend with negative perceptions and stereotypes about them.  They also have to overcome the burdens of being a woman of color in a society that has generally favored lighter skinned women and championed women of other races.   I would have an attitude too if everyday I had to fight for equality, attention, respect and other opportunities.  I would have developed a tough exterior also.  I am not excusing the ugly attitudes that some women possess I am just acknowledging the fact that I can understand why sometimes black women may feel a need to be even more on their toes.  They are fighting a battle where black men and the media in general have felt a need to analyze why they are still single and not able to find husbands at the rate of their counterparts.  Why is this?  

If you do not agree with me feel free to disagree, but please provide me valid arguments and examples.  If you are generalizing your statements then please stop.  Generalizations lead to assumptions, assumptions lead to stereotypes and streotypes lead to prejudice which in turn leads to racism.   I will entertain your generalized argument when you have met every single black woman on the face of this Earth to ascertain whether or not her attitude is too sassy or good enough for you.   


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