Friday, January 1, 2010

Iphone Tripod

So I was planning to make videos for my blog this year and I was wondering to myself, How am I going to make videos if I don't have a camera? I also realized that I do have a video recorder , but its on my iphone. Iphone's have pretty great video recording, but usually the video comes out all shaky and stuff. So I searched for a tripod for the Iphone, and I found a whole bunch of tripods. From homemade tripods to way too expensive tripods and even some really really bogus tripods. But the best one that I found was the Itwinge blur tripod. here's the video of it. its pretty dope.

Total comes out to $20.00 for the tripod. Pretty reasonable. So if you like making videos with your iphone and then this would be a good investment. You can purchase it at
When I receive it in the mail I'll probably do a product review so stay tuned....

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