Friday, April 10, 2009

Change IV A Dollar

I've seen these posts done before and thought it'd be fun to do one of my own. I realize that you probably don't care what's in my purse, but that's not of my concern. You're going to look in my bag and like it!

[Clears throat.]

-First up, we have the ULTRA, Top Secret Handy Dandy Notebook. I can't leave home without it. It feels like I'm not wearing any pants.

-Why, yes. That is two pair of sunglasses. Very imperative. Neither are particularly neutral.

-A plethora of writing utensils. I feel like people who can never find something to write with are unorganized and don't take themselves seriously. So, naturally, I overcompensate.

-A wallet that my parents got me for Christmas. It's like a grown up Trapper Keeper.
(Don't act like you don't remember Trapper Keepers.)

-Carmex. It is, indeed, so cold in the D.

-My checkbook. Complete with animal print checks. I couldn't resist.

-My crackberry. Naturally.

-My Digital Camera.

Fascinating, isn't it?

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